Miyagi, located in the Tohoku region of Japan, is home to the renowned Miyagikyo Distillery, established by Masataka Taketsuru in 1969. Taketsuru, often referred to as the father of Japanese whisky, chose this location for its pristine natural environment, which includes pure water sources and a climate similar to Scotland's. The distillery's history is deeply intertwined with the development of Japanese whisky, contributing significantly to its global reputation for quality and craftsmanship.
What sets Miyagi apart is its unique approach to whisky production, which emphasizes a balance of tradition and innovation. The Miyagikyo Distillery produces a variety of styles, including single malts and blended whiskies, characterized by their delicate and fruity profiles. The region's clean air and high humidity levels contribute to the maturation process, resulting in whiskies with a smooth and refined character. An interesting fact about Miyagi's whisky culture is the use of both pot stills and continuous stills, allowing for a diverse range of expressions that cater to different palates.