Akashi Ume is a unique blend that combines the traditional craftsmanship of whisky making with the distinct flavors of Japanese ume fruit. This spirit is produced by the White Oak Distillery, known for its innovative approach to blending and flavor infusion. The inclusion of ume, a type of Japanese plum, imparts a sweet and slightly tart character to the whisky, making it an intriguing choice for those looking to explore beyond conventional whisky profiles.
The blend is carefully crafted to balance the natural sweetness of the ume with the underlying whisky base, resulting in a harmonious and smooth drinking experience. The whisky itself is light and approachable, making it suitable for both novice drinkers and seasoned enthusiasts. The infusion process ensures that the fruit flavors are well-integrated, providing a consistent and enjoyable taste from start to finish.
Akashi Ume is best enjoyed neat or on the rocks, allowing the delicate flavors to fully express themselves. It can also be used as a unique ingredient in cocktails, adding a distinctive twist to classic recipes. This blend is a testament to the creativity and versatility of modern whisky making, offering a refreshing alternative to traditional whisky expressions.